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Kitap Bilgileri

Kitap Yazarı Yakup Almelek
Yayınevi ARION
ISBN 9786054092123
Sayfa Sayısı 96
Tür #di̇ğer di̇ldeki̇ yayinlar #i̇ngi̇li̇zce

Betrayal has, in all probability, existed as long as humanity has; it is found in the ebb and flow of life itself in recent or in ancient times, in religious texts or in literary works, in the causes of wars on historical inscriptions or in newspapers today. In this play, Yakup Almelek starts with the results of betrayal. The play begins with scenes of stale everyday life, and in the final scenes dredges up the truth lurking behind all these scenes: a surprisingly tawdry and contentious truth with no single, easy interpretation. Beyond Betrayal tells the story of two brothers whose lifestyles and worldviews are diametrically opposed to each other. The difference between good or bad is rarely clear-cut and seldom easy to extricate from the interplay of action, motivation, and consequence. Do the consequences of a morally reprehensible action constitute its own punishment?