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Kitap Bilgileri

Kitap Yazarı Nuray Ekşi
Yayınevi LEGAL
ISBN 9789944941211
Sayfa Sayısı 320
Tür #li̇san #eği̇ti̇m-öğreti̇m

This volume presents a compilation of the most important legal sources and materials from the law of the European Union in the fields of International Private Law and International Civil Procedure. The level of significance that institutions of the European Union attach to harmonising provisions for the conflict of law is demonstrated quite impressively simply by the number of relevant legal norms that already exist or are being prepared. The conse quences for legal practice have been brought home by numerous court rulings, a number of which are presented in the second part of this work.There are two reasons why this book comes as an especially welcome signal. Firstly, it was prepared by an editor from Turkey and thus reflects the great growth of interest in EU legislation which is already taking place in Tur key as it moves closer to the EU. A second wonderful aspect about the book is that it has been edited by Prof. Dr. Nuray Eksi, whom I have known now for many years and whom I hold to be one of the outstanding legal scholars of her country's younger generation. With her work, Nuray Eksi represents the in creasing number of academics at Turkish law faculties for whom expertise on the law of the European Union is a matter of course.I am convinced that this book will be of great value to all students and practicing lawyers who are looking for a cogent, straightforward guide to legal sources and materials from EU law in the fields of International Private Law and International Civil Procedure.