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Kitap Bilgileri

Kitap Yazarı Takahiro Arai
ISBN 9780007320875
Sayfa Sayısı 192
Tür #di̇ğer di̇ldeki̇ yayinlar #roman-hi̇kaye-öykü

The amazing manga retelling of Darren Shan's international best-selling vampire saga, with illustrations by Japanese artist Takahiro Arai.

Darren Shan is just an ordinary schoolboy - until he gets an invitation to visit the Cirque du Freak until he meets Madame Octa� until he comes face-to-face with a creature of the night!

Soon Darren is caught up in a web of terror from which he cannot escape, with his best friend's life hanging by the finest of threads. Darren must make a bargain to save Steve, but the only one that can help is not human and only deals in blood.

The stunning illustrations and manga format give a new dimension to this ever-popular vampire saga, available for the first time in translation in the uk. This will be a must-have for Shan fans and manga aficionados alike.