Enjoy Grammar 1


Fiyat Bilgisi Yükleniyor

Kitap ile ilgili henüz yorum yapılmamış.

Kitap ile ilgili henüz alıntı paylaşılmamış.

Kitap Bilgileri

Kitap Yazarı Mehmet Telli
Yayınevi Kare Yayınları
ISBN 9789758980093
Sayfa Sayısı 316
Tür #li̇san #gramer

Enjoy Grammar 1 is the second of two books. It has been specially designed for pre - iintermediate student working either with a teacher or on their own.

It leads students to a better understanding of grammatical forms and correct use of English. It can be used to supplement any main course book at pre - intermadiate level. The book also covers the curriculum for prep - classes that has been published by the Ministry of Education (MEB)