Level 5: The Phantom of the Opera (Audio CD'li)


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Kitap Yazarı Gaston Leroux
Yayınevi Beşir Kitabevi
ISBN 9786055910266
Sayfa Sayısı 85
Tür #çocuk ki̇taplari #di̇l eği̇ti̇mi̇

Worldwide Readers Series List

Level 5
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
The Phantom of the Opera
Of Mice and Men
Treasure Island
Sense and Sensibility

The Phantom of the Opera
Everyone in paris was talking about the ghost at the Opera who was so mysterious and could not be seen. The managers and the lovers suffered from the Phantom but unable to solve the mystery behind it. You will want to solve the mystery behind the unusual events by passing through the secret corridors and trap-doors in the Opera and find out the reality behind the ghost. Maybe you will love him or hate him when you learn his story.