Fiyat Bilgisi Yükleniyor

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Kitap Bilgileri

Kitap Yazarı Emre Dorman
ISBN 9786058808263
Sayfa Sayısı 183
Tür #di̇ğer di̇ldeki̇ yayinlar #i̇ngi̇li̇zce

Many people are deceived by the transient splendor of vvorldly life and spend their Üves pursuing their vvishes and desires. They drift vvithin life like leaves in the wind. They forget that one day they will die and not only do they make no preparations regarding their afterlife they also live a life of no meaning and no value. But death is the twin of life. İt is born when we are born. Every breath taken is half life half death. That is how close death is to us.

Life is like the flame of a match betvveen the darkness in the mother's womb and the darkness under the ground. İt will only take a few moments to extinguish. Life passes by in the blink of an eye İn orderto vvake up it is first necessary to sleep. And in orderto die to live. We lived. VVe sleptvvhile vve lived. VVe thought that we were a live but we were in a deep sleep.

Do you have the courageNto face the truth to vvake up from your vvorldly sleep and to question your life If you do not then you can put dovvn this book carry on vvith your life as before untilyou reach the end ofyourallot ted time. İn other vvords you can live as if you were never going to die and die as if you have never lived. Conf ront yourself before you have to confront the inevitability of death.