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Kitap Bilgileri

Kitap Yazarı Esma Biroğlu
Yayınevi KELİME
ISBN 9789944343527
Sayfa Sayısı 65
Tür #di̇ğer di̇ldeki̇ yayinlar #roman-hi̇kaye-öykü

P>Sarab S. Mustafa was born in Sari Kahya in Irak. She was graduated from High Institute of Foreign Languages at the University of Musul in 1993, and then completed College of Medicine. She worked in England for 2 years. Later she migrated to Turkey and she is currently teaching English in a private high school in Istanbul.Esma Biroglu was born in Gaurbaghi in Irak. She was graduated from English Department at the University of Musul in 1995. She has been teaching English in different countries for 13 years.